We strive to see the church worshipping and serving alongside one another as the body of Christ. So, when HGBC gathers for worship on Sunday mornings our families are together for the whole service. Our aim is to see children discipled alongside their families with the rest of the church. Children are not a distraction, even when they are distracting! We believe children learn how to follow Jesus best when they experience the church family with their parents and community, having the chance to participate themselves.
Kids’ Discipleship
So what does this look like on Sunday mornings?
Children of all ages are welcome in the service. We want to do our best to support parents and caregivers in their roles discipling their children. We would love to chat with you further if you have concerns about how this might work for your family or if your child has any special needs.
Children aged 0-2 years old can be checked into their classroom prior to the service at our check in station. Parents will receive a pager in case we need to get a hold of you during the service. This classroom is staffed by safety screened and trained volunteers who will take time each week to read Bible stories to your children and pray for them.
Children aged 3-5 years old can be checked into their classroom prior to the service at our check in station. Parents will receive a pager in case we need to get a hold of you during the service. In their classroom, they will be taught by safety screened and trained volunteers who will point them to Jesus as they sing the Bible, pray the Bible and teach the Bible.
Kids aged 6 and up are then encouraged to remain with their parents for the duration of the Sunday morning service. If it is helpful, we have paper and pencil crayons available for them to keep track of difficult words, questions that they may have or to draw cool things they imagine during the sermon. Our goal is to encourage kids to be actively engaged in the service as they worship alongside their families.
The Pre-Service Kids Class is for kids in JK – Grade 6! This 45-minute class starts at 9am on Sunday mornings. This is taught by safety screened and trained volunteers who will lead a teaching through “The Biggest Story” curriculum.”
Sunday Evening Prayer Services
On the 1st and 3rd Sunday evenings of each month, we meet to pray together as a church family from 6:00-7:00pm. Childcare is available for children aged 0-5 during these services. As with our morning service, children of all ages are welcome in the evening service.