Giving to Heritage Grace
All donations will be directed to and processed by our sending church, Grandview, but can be designated to Heritage Grace Baptist Church. For full rules surrounding this designated fund click here.
E-transfers are a very convenient and low-cost way to give! Simply initiate an e-transfer through your online banking and send to
It is imperative that you indicate 'HGBC' or 'Heritage Grace Baptist Church' in the message box. This ensures that the donation goes directly to the HGBC fund.
E-transfer gifts are tax receiptable. Please include your name and address or Grandview envelope number (if you have one) to be issued a tax receipt.
pre-authorized giving
If you prefer to give through pre-authorized payments please fill out the form below, scan it, and send it to
*No matter what method you choose to give and support Heritage Grace with, you must indicate that it is designated for HGBC in the message of memo box.