Meaningful Membership

We are convinced that the Bible is clear about the responsibility that every Christian has to bring glory to God through their life with other Christians in a local church. This commitment with and to a local church is what we call membership. We believe this kind of committed relationship matters very much for the good of individual Christians, for the strengthening of the church, for the sake of the lost, and ultimately for the glory of God.
We’re grateful to the Lord for the spiritual health that he has cultivated here. It is a blessing to serve God in the mission field that he has called us to at HGBC alongside brothers and sisters of all ages and backgrounds.
Join us for two classes learning more about our church and digging into what it means to be a meaningful church member. Classes are held regularly throughout the year as needed.
Whether it’s Heritage Grace, or someplace else, our prayer is that God would show you where to commit yourself to his people in his service.