
Welcome to the gathered worship of Heritage Grace Baptist Church! We are so glad that you have chosen to gather with us and worship our Lord Jesus Christ!

New here?  We would love to meet you! Fill out a connection card at our welcome table and give it to one of our volunteers. Sign up to receive weekly HGC emails by emailing hello@heritagegracechurch.ca.

The Bible If you don’t have a copy of the Bible (or don’t know if you have one), we would love for you to have one as our gift to you. Please speak with any member of the church or visit the welcome table to get a copy.

Washrooms Washrooms are in the hallway that you passed on your way in. An accessible washroom can be found in the main entrance hallway.

Children Room 145: classroom for ages 0-2

Room 115: classroom for ages 3-5

Check-in for both classrooms is in the main entrance hallway.  

All ages are welcome in our services! We love to see families worshipping together. If you do need to step out for whatever reason, a speaker is in the hallway playing the audio of what is happening in the service.

Nursing Mother’s Room We have a quiet space set up for nursing mothers in room 104 (next to the kitchen in the hallway accessed through the doors to the left of the stage).

Diaper Changing Stations Changing stations are located in the Nursing Mother’s Room (room 104) and in the accessible washroom in the main hallway.

Giving to HGC Our members happily support the work of Heritage Grace Church.

If you would like to give, e-transfer giving@grandviewchurch.ca Please ensure to write “HGC” in the message box. Make sure to include your name and address for tax receipting purposes.

If you wish to give via other means (such as pre-authorized payments), please visit heritagegracechurch.ca/giving to find out more ways to give.